Preliminary Programme

9 May

Cultural Centre “Sigulda Devon”

9:30 - 10:00 Registration and Networking
10:00 - 11:30DIGI HALLSession I: Education and Standarts
Moderators: Aleksejs Miscuks (LV), Olegs Sabelnikovs (LV)
TimeSpeakerCountryPresentation Topic
10.00-10.10AleksejsMiscuksLVWelcome speech
10.10-10.30ArunasGelmanasLTStandards in regional anesthesia: nomenclature and basics blocks as a useful tools in everyday practice and teaching
10.30-10.50JuriKuchinUARegional Anaesthesia Techniques: We Can Do It! Should We Do?
10.50-11.15KaterynaBielkaUATeaching regional anesthesia in war-affected settings
11.15-11.35DmitriStepanovEEPrevention of infectious complications in RA
11.35-11.50OlegsSabelnikovsLVEPD for anaesthesiologists
11:30 - 12:00 Coffee Break/Industry Exhibition and Networking
12:00 - 13:30DIGI HALLSession II: Neck, thoracic and abdominal blocks
Moderators: Wojciech Gola (PL), Giedrius Volbekas (LT)
TimeSpeakerCountryPresentation Topic
12:00-12:20EdgarsProzorovskisLVRegional blocks for cardiac surgery.
12:20-12.40WojciechGolaPLRegional anaesthesia techniques for carotid surgery
12.40- 13.00EdgarsKrivmanisLVHidden Gems of Abdominal Wall Blocks: Effective Yet Underutilized Techniques
13:00-13:20GiedriusVolbekasLTAnatomical variations of interscalene block
13:30 - 14:30 Lunch Break /Poster Sessions/ Industry Exhibition and Networking.
Poster session chairs: Edgars Krivmanis (LV), Arunas Gelmanas (LT)
14:30 - 16:00DIGI HALLSession III Acute and Chronic pain treatment
Moderators: Andzej Krol (UK), Iveta Golubovska (LV)
TimeSpeaker (name/last name)CountryPresentation Topic
14.30 -15.00AndzejKrolUKRight imaging for the right intervention
15.00-15.20IvetaGolubovskaLVOrtobiology in pain medicine
15:20-15:40AndzejKrolUKMajor joint denervation-hope at last
15:40-16:00TBACryoneurolysis- a reversible treatment for post operative pain management
16:00 - 16:30 Coffee Break/Industry Exhibition and Networking
16:30 - 18:00DIGI HALLSession IV: On-Stage demonstrations
Moderators: Andzej Krol (UK), Wojciech Gola (PL), Edgars Vasilevskis (LV)
LaiksCountryPresentation Topic
16:30AndzejKrolUKUS guided pain blocks
17:00WojciechGolaPLRegional anaesthesia techniques for carotid surgery
17:30EdgarsVasilevskisLVSerratus Plane and Paravertebral Blocks

10 May

Cultural Centre “Sigulda Devon”

9:30 - 10:00 Registration and Networking
09:40 -10:00ArunasGelmanasLTDo LMWH still have place? Practice in trauma and orthopaedics in Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Hospital
10:00 - 11:30DIGI HALLSession I: RA in Spine surgery, Obstetrics, Orthopedics
Moderators: Katerina Bialka (UA), Saule Svediene (LT)
TimeSpeakerCountryPresentation Topic
10:00-10.20SigitaKazuneLVRegional blocks in spine surgery
It is about fast recovery after arthroplasty – exclusively with regional techniques and different postoperative approach
10.40-11.00KaterynaBielkaUATAP, QL and ESP blocks for postoperative analgesia after cesarean section
11.00-11.15MarinaŠarkeleLVNEW Update for 2025: Anticoagulation & RAPM Guidelines
11.14-11.30IrinaEvansaLVTailored Analgesia: Choosing the Right Block for Breast Surgery
11:30 - 12:00 Coffee Break/Industry Exhibition and Networking
12:00 - 13:30DIGI HALLSession II What's completely New?
Moderators: Sigita Kazune (LV), Arunas Gelmanas (LT)
TimeSpeakerCountryPresentation Topic
12.00-12.15MāraKlibusESP versus paravertebral thoracic surgery-thermography
12.15-12.30AndrejsZirnisThermography different local anaesthetics N ishiadisus
12.30-12.50EdgarsVasilevskisElectroacupuncture Analgesia
12:50-13.10WojciechGolaHow far we can go? Blockade of cutaneous nerves of the upper and lower limbs
13:30 - 14:30 Lunch Break /Poster Sessions/ Industry Exhibition and Networking
Poster session moderators: Marina Šarkele (LV), Alar Rokk (EE)
14:30 - 16:00Workshop hallsHands-On Workshops
Workshop moderatorsCountryPresentation Topic
EdgarsKrivmanisLVTAP, QLB
IvetaGolubovskaLVLumbar ESP
IrinaEvansaLVPECS I & II
GiedriusVolbekasLTPhrenic nerve/Genitofemoral nerve selective blocks
16:00 - 16:30 Coffee Break/Industry Exhibition and Networking, prizes for Best free paper and poster

Event approved by ESRA